Entered service in the A.U.S. Medical Corps. June 4. 1942. Entered active service September 18, 1942 as First Lieutenant Medical Corps. Received training at Camp Joseph T. Robinson, Little Rock, Arkansas; Camp Hulen, Texas; Desert Training Center at Camp Young, California; Camp Coxcomb, California; and Camp Stoneman, California. Attended Medical Field Service School, Carlide, Pennsylvania. Graduated April 1943 and received promotion to Captain. Left for overseas February 14, 1944 as Battalion Surgeon 485. Landed in Oahu, Hawaiian Island being in Pacific Theatre. Eniwetok, Manus, Leyte, Philippine Islands, Okinawa, Ryukus Islands, was in Philippine Campaign; also Ryukus Campaign in Okinawa. Returned to U.S. January I, 1946. Discharged April 11. 1946 at Indiantown Gap. Pennsylvania as Captain.