Son of Mr. end Mrs. A.H. Shekelton. Entered service April 12, 1946 at Chicago, Illinois. ILReceived basic training at Fort Knox, Kentucky; Completed basic June 22, 1946, reported at Camp Stoneman, California, July 15, 1946. Assigned to 98th M.G. Group at Pusan, Korea, September 13, 1946. Worked in Adjutant's Office as typist. Left March 15. 1947, from Young Dung Po. for U.S. Arrived in States March 31. 1947. Left Camp Beale, California, April 11, 3947 and arrived at home April 14, 1947 for twenty days terminal leave. Citations: World War Victory Medal, Occupation Asiatic Pacific. Discharged May 1, 1947 as Sergeant.